Fruit & Oat Crumble

This is a classic recipe by Mary Flahavan, enjoy!

Serves 8|Takes 60 minutes


For the filling:
675g (1½lb) prepared fruit (apples, rhubarb or berries in season)
75g-100g (3-4oz) Sugar
For the Crumble:
75g (3 oz) Flahavan’s Organic Oats
75g (3 oz) flour
75g (3 oz) brown sugar
75g (3 oz) butter


Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4.
Place chopped, prepared fruit into a large pie dish and sprinkle with sugar.
In a food processor, combine the oats, flour, sugar and butter until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the fruit and bake in the oven for approximately 40 minutes until cooked and golden in colour.
Serve warm with whipped cream, custard or ice-cream.

Mary’s Tip!
When blitzing the crumble topping ingredients, blitz the flour, brown sugar and butter first. Add the oats at the end so they stay course and visible in the crumble.

Recipe Categories:

Sweet   Mary Flahavan’s   Video Recipes   Vegetarian  

For this recipe you can use:

Flahavan's Organic Oats
Flahavan's Recipes, Fruit Oat Crumble
Flahavan's Oats Illustration